Composition of well type furnace
Well type furnace is mainly composed of outer cover, inner cylinder, convection cylinder, burner, bottom stirring circulating fan, forced cooling fan, methanol cracking furnace, etc.
1. Outer cover
The outer cover is composed of steel plate shell, furnace lining and furnace top hanging beam. The outer cover is the structural support of the whole furnace body. There is a pair of guide rings at the lower part, which are used to cover the guide columns with slightly different heights at both sides of the hearth, so as to ensure that the middle line of the cover and the hearth coincide.
2. Inner barrel
The role of the inner cylinder is to separate the flue gas flow space from the controllable atmosphere flow space where the workpiece is located, and it is also the heat exchange surface in the heat transfer process. The inner cylinder has good sealing performance, strong temperature resistance and oxidation resistance, and a certain rigidity, which can increase the heat exchange area, reduce deformation and extend the service life.
3. Convection tube
The function of the convection tube is to ensure that the materials to be treated are separated from the inner tube and provide a convection channel with controllable atmosphere. The hot air first rises along the annular gap between the convection cylinder and the inner cylinder, then turns down and enters the material stack. The gas flow rate in the annulus is high and remains unchanged, which is conducive to the heat transfer between the gas flow and the inner cylinder.
4. Furnace bottom mixing fan
A stirring fan is installed in the middle of the furnace bottom. During heating, the circulating and controllable atmosphere passes through the annular space between the convection cylinder and the inner cylinder, and the heat is obtained from the inner cylinder and transferred to the workpiece. The fan operates throughout the cooling phase, producing strong convection in the loading space. The controlled atmosphere takes heat away from the workpiece and transfers it to the inner cover. The mixing fan adopts a variable-frequency speed regulating motor. The motor speed can be adjusted according to the temperature in the furnace. It has the characteristics of accurate speed, easy use and maintenance.
5. Combustion engine
The burner system consists of burner, fan, pipe system and smoke exhaust pipe. Two rows of eight burners are distributed along the tangential direction of the outer cover of the furnace body, which is conducive to uniform furnace temperature and reduce local overheating of the inner cover. It directly heats the inner cylinder and is the heating source of the well type furnace.
6. Methanol cracking furnace
The methanol cracking furnace uses the CO generated from methanol high-temperature cracking as the mixed gas to enter the well type furnace, so as to realize the corresponding heat treatment process. It is composed of feeding system, gasification chamber, heat exchanger and temperature control system, which plays an important role in process stability.